1. It's for the kids
Being active in the PTA not only improves your child's school but make you an excellent role model.
Research confirms what we've always known: when children see us involved in their school and learning, it encourages them to do their best.
2. It builds trust
Becoming part off the PTA is a great way to get to know other parents and teachers while gaming an insight into the workings of the school.
With parents and teachers striving towards the same goals, the parent group is instrumental in making a real difference in the school life of all children.
3. It raises welcome funds
Whether it's for stationary in the classroom, books for the library or playground additions, the funds raised from your activities impact massively on the opportunities and experiences of all the children at school.
4. It gives you a voice
Many PTAs already act as a consultative group for the school leaders and governors.
So whether it's deciding on where PTA funds are spent or getting parent views on wraparound care, you can make sure parents have a voice in how your school operates.
5. It forges connections beyond the school gates
PTAs are brilliant for building relationships with the local community, from events, sponsorships from local businesses, and mentions in local press.
6. It's good for you!
Every parent has plenty to offer a PTA, and whether it's being on the committee, helping out at events or organising meetings, your talents will be put to good use. As well as being enjoyable and satisfying, you can build your confidence and learn new skills too.
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