Volunteering with us

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All families are automatically members of the Milton Hall PTA when their child joins our school. 

Ordinary Committee Members

The PTA are looking to recruit new members to join our committee.  This is a voluntary role that assists in fundraising for Milton Hall. 


Becoming a committee member will involve things such as:


  • Being able to vote on expenditure/donations to school
  • Have your say on event planning/other means of enabling fundraising
  • Working at events
  • Building positive relationships within the whole school community


Requirements will include:


  • Passing a DBS check
  • Completing safeguarding training
  • Attending meetings with PTA officials
  • Working at least 2 physical events during the academic year.


To apply for this role, please complete the application form:


Frequently asked questions

What is the role and function of a PTA?

PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for all pupils. A well-run PTA will form close ties with the school community, helping to connect school and home life, so that parents become more positively engaged in their childrens education.

Theres also a social aspect to the PTA: parents are able to get together, meet parents of children in different year groups and work alongside each other while raising money for the school and supporting its aims.

Who runs the PTA?

PTAs are run by a committee of volunteers – usually parents of children at the school, and sometimes teachers too.

How can I join the PTA?

Contact us by e-mailing hello@miltonhallpta.co.uk or by completeing the form on our 'contact' page.

We will require a DBS check. For this you will need formal identification.

What kind of things might I be expected to do if I join?

Typically, PTAs organise and run fundraising events. So the most common job is helping out at fundraisers: can you bake a cake? buy supplies for an event? run the bar or help on the gate? If you still want to join the PTA but dont want to get involved in events, how about taking on a different job such as second-hand uniform coordinator or graphic designer? If you have specialist knowledge of fundraising, the PTA will welcome you with open arms. Perhaps you work for a company that can offer benefits such as raffle prizes, discounts on refreshments or access to a local facility? If you have an idea of what youd like to do, or skills you can offer, make a suggestion!